Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Line Design

So here is my actual design! Instead of just making a geometric design, I decided to create a picture. This is supposed to be a King. Let's walk through the steps...

First, I took a blank white piece of paper and drew the design. This could have been done on graph paper too. It's very important that the lines are measured out, and that the nails are placed in even increments on the line. This should be actual size! When I finished drawing, I took my piece of wood, glued black felt over the board, and then taped my drawing over the black felt. Then, I nailed in all the places where I had drawn! Make sure the nails go through the paper, the felt, and into the wood. The nails should be as straight as possible.
When all the nails were in, I tore the design paper from the board, and this is what I was left with!
Now all that's left is the stringing, to actually make the line design and to add color! Although you could see the outline of the crown in the earlier steps, you can now see the curves that make its unique shape! The eyes are now round in the center, the way eyes are supposed to be. You may be able to tell that I had difficulty with the mouth. Since it was only a half circle, it was more difficult to string evenly, which is incredibly important with line designs! Finally, I created the circle which makes up the outline of the face. This is a great example of how tangent lines can create a curve, because the circle is entirely comprised of straight lines, even though the curve is smooth.

And that's all folks!

By: Danielle Blake

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