Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hexagon Line Design

To complete my line design I needed a small piece of wood with black felt glued on top, colored string to create my design, and small nails to hold the string in place. For my line design I decided to use a hexagon shape, so I started by taking one triangle and measuring 8 equal segments on each side. I repeated the process until I had 6 equal triangles to create my line design shape. As you can see in the photo below I taped the triangles together to form a hexagon, then I placed my shape on top of my piece of wood. As I mentioned before each side of the triangle had 8 markings equally spaced out; this indicated where I would hammer my nails.
Here you can see the beginning of hammering the nails into the wood.

This triangle shows the equal markings where the nails were hammered.

After I was finished hammering ever nail into the wood, I began to make my design using orange and purple string. I tied one end of the string around the first nail of the lower side of the triangle. Then I crossed the string across the middle of the triangle to the eighth nail of the upper side of the triangle. I continued in a pattern: first nail to eighth nail, eighth nail to second nail, second nail to seventh nail, and so on. I stopped when I had wrapped the string around each nail, tied the end of the string, and then moved on to the next triangle.

As you can see above, the line design is starting to take shape!

I alternated colors with purple and orange next to each other for the outsides of each triangle until my line design was complete.

Close up of the final product.

This was the end result of the line design. It is a hexagon with a clover design in the middle!

Erin Appenzoller

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