Monday, June 7, 2010

Calculus in Line Designs

Yayy line designs! Okay so I'm going to explain one way that calculus plays a role in line designs. As we have learned in class, there are an infinite number of tangent lines that can be drawn to a curve. Using calculus, we can find these tangents at certain points along the curve. Line designs use this concept, but backwards. Instead, we draw many straight lines, and those lines are the tangents that create the curve. This explains why when creating a line design, the more lines drawn, the more definitive the curve. The more lines there are, the more points along the curve we are creating! By making the original triangle more acute or more obtuse, we can change the shape of the curve by changing the slopes of the tangent lines!

As you can see in the picture above, the red line is one tangent line to the green curve. At the point where they are touching, they share the same slope. By creating lots of the red lines, all of different slopes, we create the curve with a changing slope.

By: Danielle Blake

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